48 McCabe Avenue
Pawtucket, RI
Tuesday, January 16 at 11:00 am
7,054± sf lot improved upon by a single-family home having 1,841± sf of living space, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths
- Property Type:Residential
- Mortgage Ref:Pawtucket Land Records in Bk 2392, Pg 17
- Lot Size:7,054 sf
- Square Feet:1,841 sf
- # Rooms:6
- # Bedrooms:3
- # Baths:1.5
- Year Built:1908
- County:Providence
No documents for this auction
Terms of Sale
$10,000 DEPOSIT by bank check. Additional terms and conditions will be announced at the auction. Barton Gilman, LLP., One Financial Plaza, 18th Floor, Providence, RI 02903, Attorneys for the Mortgage.
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